Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Separation Anxiety

This Christmas I desperately struggled with knowing what gifts I should give my daughters. They have so much, plus what they do have is all crammed into our upstairs. (our basement is torn apart right now, but that is a story for another post) Finally 10 days before Christmas, I decided to make them each an afghan. They were able to choose the colors; Rosie chose purple, and Grace chose pink.
I really wanted to give them something special because this year their daddy and I will be separating. I'm really worried how they will take it. Not that I'm suggesting a blanket will solve everything, or anything for that matter. I do hope though, that somehow as they look down at the hearts crocheted on their afghans, that not only will their little bodies be warm, but their hearts will be warmed as well. A reminder of how much I love them.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Events Calendar for 2009

This is a gift for a friend, but I just had to take some pics!!! Not sure if I should cover the other side so she can add pics!?
All of these will of course be on top of one another and held together with two "rings." So if I decorated the back of January it would be in the February colors, and so on.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I would hate to be late posting this one too! Here is the make'n take project for the gathering I will be doing January 23rd. A pretty little valentines day card. I wanted to show how to cover the Close to My Heart chipboard shapes with paper, and give them a nice finished look using the "finishing files". It turned out well for a first attempt I think! I was not sure if I would be able to cover the chipboard well with cardstock, but it didn't seem to be any more challenging than the patterned paper. I Can't wait to show the gals this technique!!!!

Okay, so I know this is a little (ok a lot) late. But I think it's worth sharing!
The card to the left is the make-n-take project I shared at my last gathering. It had so many fun techniques that we didn't do a whole lot else that night.
I was able so show off the close to my heart Edge Distressor, the Write'n rub pen, the prisma glitter, and the sanding kit. I was also able to show everyone how to use their embossing stylus and sanding kit to distress paper, and how to distress with ink! Not to mention we were able to use some fancy ribbon!
What "made" the evening though, was the fact that all the girls that were there that night were related somehow!!! Together with the people I love most, doing what I enjoy most. Doesn't get any better than that!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Paper/Money Bouquet

This was such a fun project to create! It is a bouquet made of leaves stamped onto paper and cut out. Then I attached the leaves to skewers and "ta da." This bouquet will have flowers made from paper money as well. It will be a gift for the Caller/Cuer couple who have been calling for our dance club for 30 yrs. There will be $200 worth of paper flowers incorporated into the bouquet!!! Inspiration for this project was from a memory I had of a paper money bouquet given to my Aunt and Uncle I think when they adopted their first child. It was so beautiful... I wanted to recreate something similar. However, after hours of searching for something similar on-line that I could pattern a bouquet after, I ended up just coming up with something on my own. I hope you like it! Please leave comments!!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Family Home Evening "ring"

Whew! That took quite a while!
So, this is the companion to the candles I've posted. FHE stands for "Family Home Evening." On the ring there are about 48 cards listing various things to do together. Then at the back there are blank cards for them to write their own ideas.
The stamp set I used on the front is copyright close to my heart "Homestead Alphabet."

Custom Made Candles!

This is a brand new blog for me! Here I will be posting what I deem to be "beautiful things."
I hope you enjoy looking, as much as I have enjoyed creating!
This first picture is of a wedding gift I'm making for a dear friend of mine.
These are what I would like to call, " Couples Family Home Evening Candles." On the back are "ticks." Every week you are meant to burn the candle down to the next mark, or "tick." During the time the candle burns, you do something together as a couple. Along with this gift, I will be including ideas of things to do together.
To make this project I used white tissue paper,waxed paper, a craft heater, two white candles, a black ink pad, and two stamp sets copyright Close to my Heart. ( Soul Mates, and the Sept. 08 stamp of the month)
First you stamp the images you want onto the tissue paper and roughly cut around them. Then you place the "cut out images" on the candle where you want them. Next you wrap waxed paper around the candle to hold the tissue in place, hold it taut and heat the tissue onto the candle with a craft heater. You will see when the tissue is melted. Be careful to not heat it too long, or you will have a bumpy, melted candle!!! ( don't forget to remove the waxed paper and discard it afterward !! )